Tuesday, May 14, 2013

     I would like to talk about a phone company I joined for my cell phone service. The company is called Solavei and offers unlimited talk, text and 4G web for $49 per month without any contract. The nice thing about the company is when you become a customer you are automatically a rep. It's your choice if you want to make money with Solavei or just enjoy the service. As a rep you earn $ 20 per month for every 3 people that you enroll. So if you enroll 9 people your cell service is free. Anything over 9 people you are putting money in your pocket.

      I have had the service now for 3 months and its basically T-mobile service. If you were to get the same prepaid plan on the T-mobile network it would be $60 per month instead of the $49 with Solavei. Before joining Solavei I had the T-mobile $50 unlimited plan which provided 500mb of 4G service but would cut it back to Unlimited 2G after exceeding the limit. I would go through 500mb in about a week. So it's definitely a better deal than dealing with T-mobile.

    The only negative I can tell you I have had from switching from T-mobile to Solavei is that I lost my T-mobile wi-fi calling. This option was great if I was at a place with bad service and they had a secure Internet connection. But to fix this there is many Android apps that offer wi-fi calling.

for more info check out my website      www.solavei.com/alsandoukb

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